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Category Archives: Wireless Alarm Monitoring

Giving the Gift of Home Security

Many of the people who turn to SafePath for home security aren’t actually shopping for themselves. It’s often the case that they already have some kind of protection for their own homes but want to extend our equipment and services to others they care for. Could you give the gift of home security to someone…
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3 Ways You Can Make the Most of Cameras and Video Doorbells

A lot of our new customers think of home security as including things like door and motion sensors connected to a user keypad or touchscreen. What they often fail to realize that cameras and video doorbells can be installed, too. These pieces of equipment can actually have daily uses that you might not have considered.…
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Should You Install Home Security at a Rental Property?

You may take it as a given that you need to have an advanced home security system installed to protect yourself and your family at your home, but what about rental properties that you own? Our advice, based on many years of experience, is that you absolutely should have some sort of alarm set up…
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3 Ways We Customize Home Security

3 Ways We Customize Home Security Home security isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. What makes sense in one house or neighborhood might not work in another. That’s why everyone on our team – from sales specialists to installation technicians – is trained to evaluate customer needs and find the perfect solution for any space or budget.…
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