A good first step towards making your home secure is getting rid of the myths so many people hold on to about crime and other risks. It’s hard to make good decisions with bad information. With that in mind, here are three incredibly popular misconceptions we hear all the time:
#1 You Are Most Vulnerable to a Break-In at Night
It’s natural to be more fearful of criminals at night, when visibility is low, but lots of thieves operate in the middle of the day. Often, they pose as repair men or service installers, looking for homes to enter while the occupants are away at work.
#2 To Keep Your Home Safe, You Just Need a Big Dog
To be sure, having a dog in your house can make you safer from intruders. But, keeping your pet close by isn’t enough to protect you from dangerous people. A dog makes a nice backup, but he shouldn’t replace your primary home security system.
#3 Alarm Systems Are Just for Deterring Burglars
Speaking of home security systems, many people think alarms are just there to keep burglars away. That might be their primary job, but they can also send alerts in the event of a fire, and help protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning.
If you’ve been holding on to any of these myths, now is the time to let them go. Better yet, call SafePath Security today at 770-792-6868 to learn how we can help you to better protect your family and possessions.